Monday, March 24, 2008

A coda

Our Easter brunch for Ruth's friends and fellow students who don't have any family in town (that's "Geo-Bachelors" in Navy lingo) was a resounding success. I will be eating ham sandwiches all week, but that's a cross I'm willing to bear.

I also have multiple volunteers for homebrewing assistance, which I'll be taking advantage of later in the week.

However ... to follow up on my "EXPENNSIVE BROWNIES!" post -- the brownies were, in fact, well worth the second mortgage ... but since two unexpected desserts showed up, they were COMPLETELY SUPERFLUOUS except as fodder for a funny story. I guess I'll be feeding my brewing assistants this week...


Anonymous said...

I have told a young co-worker about your experience. He has decided we should do a test comparing expensive brownies vs. cheap brownies. I will report back the results.


Erik Maldre said...

ooooh. good idea anonymous. A taste test must be conducted. I eagerly await your findings.

side note: I like ham. I eat leftover ham all week. Thinly sliced ham is ai-ght. Big chucky pieces of ham are special.

Anonymous said...

Test Results

# of Participates: 8

Age range: 24 - 50

Occupation: Network Administrator - 7 Adult Educator - 1

Brownie Mix used: Ghirardelli Double Chocolate - $2.79
IGA Chewy Fudge - $1.79

Guys decided that if they liked chocolate taste, the Ghiradrdelli won hands down, but they liked the texture of the IGA brownies.

General thought is that we need another test!