Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cooking gadget geekery

Am I as cool as Alton Brown? Paul, who has seen us both in person, would probably say "No."

But now, I'm at least getting close, because I own one of these:

That's right, lesser beings -- pick a random surface within a few feet of me, and I will illuminate it with a built-in laser pointer, then tell you its exact temperature. For instance -- the back of my mouth? 96 degrees. My coffee table? 71 degrees. The back of my cat, Guinness? 76 degrees and ALL FREAKED OUT because I'm holding a laser pointer.

Alright, so I admit it's not an everyday tool -- or even something I plan to use much outside a few kitchen tasks -- but it will come in handy from time to time, I got a great price and it doubles as a cat toy. What more justification does a kitchen geek need?


Unknown said...

OK, I am admittedly impressed.

But you need to COME CLEAN with your audience.

Admit that you measured the temperature of your penis.

rico567 said...

You are the man (or kitchen geek, if you prefer....). I will admit, I never thought of the high-tech thermometer as doubling as a cat toy. But it's true- any laser device is a cat magnet, I've seen them in action.

Paul Rinkes said...

James -- he didn't say it came with a magnifying glass.


Anyway ... no, you're not quite as cool as Alton, but you're cooler than me. I must have one of those.

Anonymous said...

Paul already told me he wants one too!!!

If you and Alton have one, then he NEEDS one :)!