Friday, May 30, 2008

Programming note

Due to an adjustment problem with a beard trimmer this morning, for the foreseeable future the role of "Big Daddy" will be played by this guy:

We apologize to our audience; despite having the goofy grin and coffee stained teeth, our proprietor's understudy doesn't have that certain "je ne sais child molester" you've come to expect from your usual blogger.

...of course, the real question is, Theo just woke up from his nap, and what will HE think?


Unknown said...

I know your gameplan. You were simply getting ready for tonight's BSG episode and were inspired by Chief's hair style as of late.


Michelle D. said...

Holy cow! You scared me with that picture. I thought I was having a Norfolk flashback. Just kidding. But has Theo ever seen you like this? Poor child. Will he have to start counseling before he can even talk?

JA3 said...

Would you believe the kid didn't even look at me when he woke up?

Anonymous said...

John, you look like a cue ball.

Love you!