Tuesday, January 8, 2008


While bottling beer this afternoon, the doorbell rang. I expected a friend who just came back from Iraq to stop by and meet Theo, so imagine my surprise to find two well-dressed young men on the front steps.

Noting that they wore nametags that read "LATTER-SOMETHING" and "Elder Somename," I was not surprised to find out they were in the neighborhood talking to folks about Jesus Christ.

I have a lot of respect for LDS missionaries. These are virtual kids, far from home, knocking on the doors of strangers day in/day out, and they're expected to bring people into their church. It's gotta be rough. I also figure that given all that, if I ever start a business I'm populating my sales staff with post-mission Mormons, but that's another discussion.

So any other day I might have invited them in to get off their feet for a few minutes and have a glass of water, but today I already had beer in the bottling bucket collecting germs; plus, any afternoon project is timed against the nap clock in Theo's head.

So I told them, truthfully, I was "in the middle of something." When he asked about my relationship with Jesus, I told him I keep my own counsel about my faith, but I had a lot of respect for them, and good luck.

As I was accepting a business card, I heard Theo cry once or twice in the monitor. Thank goodness, it didn't last; just his usual mid-nap wakeup. Heading back to the kitchen, wondered how long the young men had been on their mission as I resumed lining up my bottles.

That's when I realized I'd spent the entire conversation with a beer bottle in each hand.

Great move, waving my booze in the face of the Mormons. Maybe I should keep a bacon cheeseburger around for when the evangelical Jews show up next week.

Of course I'm not afraid I offended them; they've probably seen beer before, even if they don't drink it. But I shudder to think what they wrote in their report of the day...

"House 37: A shaggy-bearded hobo wearing dirty grey gym clothing answered the door with a beer in each hand. He was very polite to us, so we suspect he was inebriated. Not a good candidate for the church, but we should consider calling the authorities and at very least, pray for the baby we heard crying in the next room."


Anonymous said...

Oh my. That's the stuff of sitcoms, Johnny. You keep on being you.



JA3 said...

Dear, it has made my day that you noticed the reference to the gray shorts.

That was just for you.

In my defense -- there is a lot of bleachwater splashing around when I brew. I was wearing my snazzy new Illini shorts right up until the point I realized that they would be ruined if I continued.

So I went back to my old friends, which, if you're lucky, will be eaten to shreds by Clorox in no time flat.

rico567 said...

Hmmmm...."beard," check. A certain "Hobo" insouciance, check. "Fashionably comfortable" gym clothing, check. Can't see any problem here, looks like my mirror and sounds like an upstanding citizen to me.

Unknown said...

You should have turned the tables and converted them to the Church of Beer. Get a few beers in those minor league Mormons and you could get them to loosen up their ties and renounce Joseph Smith after they realized the awesome potential and soothing sensation that alcohol provides.

JA3 said...

Oh, that would be so wrong. And yet so right. But only if I could convince them to send me 10% of their salary every week for the rest of their lives. hee hee.