Saturday, January 12, 2008

Movie note

I'm pretty sure everyone who would read the site has seen this movie, but it is one of my favorites of recent years so I'll mention this landmark achievement...

My father can probably count on one hand the number of feature-length Hollywood films he has sat through since the Reagan administration. During our Christmas visit, he not only belly laughed near-continuously at The 40 Year-Old Virgin, he was planted to his seat for at least the first 85-90% of the film. I can't think of a stronger recommendation for ANY movie, ever.

I can't even blame him for leaving the TV room at that point, because that's the entire FUNNY part of the film, before the required Hollywood heart-warmingness at the end, and before the musical number. Even someone like me, with a love of all things surreal, found that kinda ... WTF-ish. Hilarious, but still...

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