Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Elderly actor/politicians don't pick trophy wives without a plan, son."

Now that Fred Thompson has dropped out, I just had a great idea ... when/if Hillary wins, can she appoint Jeri Thompson "First Lady?"

BTW: I've been looking for an excuse to mangle that movie quote on the blog for MONTHS. Ruth and I have joked that Thompson would be running away with the nomination if he'd just spend less time talking about his conservative credentials and Reaganesque viewpoint; instead, he should've showed up at campaign rallies, said "This is my wife. If elected, I promise to have her standing in front of me at all public events." Then he says, "Russians don't take a dump without a plan," gets back on the bus and heads for the next stop. LANDSLIDE victory, guaranteed.

And really, would that strategy be any sillier than what any other candidate is doing?


Anonymous said...

Actually, my husband and I came to the same conclusion, while watching the movie last week.


rico567 said...

For blog title of the week, we have a winner!

Anonymous said...

OK, you so have to get out of my head, man. I made that same joke last week to my coworker.