Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Gospel according to LOLCat


I forget how I found this, but man oh man do people have too much time on their hands.

2 Let him kiss me wit da kissus of hiz mouf--
for yer love be moar delitefool den cheezbugers. Srsly.


Anonymous said...

I had to go and check and see what my confirmation passage (Rev. I, 8) translated to in LOLspeak so here is is:

Teh Ceiling Cat sez "I be Alpha. Also, I be Omega. An I alwayz beenz an I alwayz will be. Also, I be very strong! Grrr!"

Had I know this when I was a kid I would have made them put it on a plaque. :0

rico567 said...

Well, my passage in this case would be Revelation 6:7 - "7 An i oppeneded nuther seal an 4th dood say "Come and lookz!"8 Lo behold a pale horsez with a dood sitin on it, his naym wuz Deaths, an liek Hadez an stuff followd himz. Him had enuf skillz to kill lots of doodz, with antifreezez and curiositiez."

.....and we need to turn that dood loose on this particular cultural artifact.