Thursday, April 10, 2008

Something all my commenters can agree on

I finally watched the season premiere of Battlestar Galactica last night. You all can argue over the 12th model and what beers they brew in the Galactica's fan rooms. I gotta say that I love where the storylines are going right now. So far they're right up there with the escape from New Caprica as far as combining the deep & philosophical with the action packed.

Let me get things started with some controversial statements...

1. Baltar has to think that they DID execute him, because he obviously went to horndog heaven where he's drowning in worhipful poon.

2. Apollo has apparently never heard the term "Stop-loss."

3. It's not a matter of IF they make it to Earth -- it's a matter of WHEN they make it to Earth. As in, will it be in our far future? or past? Or will the humans and Cylons make peace and the show ends as they settle into Earth orbit, not knowing what year it is?

4. Rosalyn is the other Cylon.

That ought to get you started...


Unknown said...

Also, was Anders' programming activated when the Cylon scanned him during that battle scene or did he communicate with them to retreat?

BTW, both Adamas drink microbrews. It's the stuff Leaders drink. :) That's the main reason they're trying to get back to Earth -- they're out of Belgian beer.

Unknown said...

If Roslin winds up being the 5th Cylon, I'll totally credit you for being the first to bring it up. Never even considered that angle before but like you said in our IM conversation earlier today, she does keep on trying to move the humans away from Earth, assuming Starbuck's hunches are correct. Then again, the Razor episode said that Starbuck would be the person to lead humanity into oblivion so who knows.

JA3 said...

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind as soon as it appears that I'm wrong.

Michelle D. said...

Too funny! I was telling the hubby last Friday night that Rosalyn is the fifth Cylon. Good to know that great minds think alike. LOL

Anonymous said...

Roslin can't be the other cylon. She didn't hear the music.

Starbuck is the other cylon. She didn't hear the music becasue she was not onboard. That doesn't mean that she is wrong. I believe the reason the seven don't know who the five are is because the five are there to help out humanity. The seven are there in an attempt to destroy it, or at least trim down the numbers in the ultimate Darwinistic act.

This has all happened before and will all happen again. The only way that can happen is if humanity has help.

Also look for earth to be the new Kobol.

Anonymous said...

"Also, was Anders' programming activated when the Cylon scanned him during that battle scene or did he communicate with them to retreat?"

Anders' programming was already activated by the song. The Cylon basically scanned him with IFF. I think the Cylons, once they recognized at least one of the five were with the humans, could not press their attack for fear of destroying their own. They're very down on Cylon on Cylon violence, and they only kill the seven if they know they can resurrect. I don't think the five can resurrect.

JA3 said...


I'm with Tigh on the "Why Anders didn't shoot" question - "Nugget mistake." None of the skinjobs show any concern whatsoever for Centurions or Raiders the way they do the other "skin" models. I'm not positive they have Cylon "souls."

Plus, Starbuck has probably whacked more Cylons than any other character on the show, which seems to violate either your "she's the 12th" or "no Cylon on Cylon violence" theory.

Also, if she's not a human, why would the Cylons have been so interested in her girlie bits back on Caprica?

I don't think any of this necessarily invalidates your theory, because I don't think the 5 follow any Cylon "rules" we're aware of to this point. Note that they're still invisible to most other Cylons when they want to be -- Athena hasn't spotted any of them and even Six just knows that they're "near."

That tells me that the only way for that Raider to ID Anders was for ANDERS to send the signal -- which he obviously did without realizing it. If the four have been that deeply programmed, there's no reason the fifth couldn't be programmed at an even deeper level, to ignore the music and hide itself until later.

I do think you're right that these Cylons will end up on the human side; I've also thought that a certain number of humans will end up on the Cylon side, which might be where the whole Baltar storyline is going.

Anonymous said...

As far as Starbuck leading the humans to their destruction, maybe what the Hybrid meant was that the humans were going to do the exact opposite of what Starbuck said and that leads them to their destruction or perhaps the cylons nuke earth like they did Caprica and destroy the humans on earth.

I like the idea of Roslin being the fifth cylon. Just because she didn't hear the music, doesn't mean she can't be the last one. Boomer didn't fully realise she was a cylon until she went on that one mission before she shot Adama. My guess is that they are all wired differently and this might explain why Rosalin hasn't been activated yet. Who knows. Whatever happens, this season is going to be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wow, folks. I wasn't thinking that hard about it until I finished reading these posts!

There is something different about the 5 -- remember that the Xena model bit it in the Temple of Jupiter when she saw who they were (and apologized to one of them: "I'm so sorry... I had no idea."

This being the case, the idea that Anders was the sender of the signal instead of the receiver is interesting... are the 5 more powerful than the 7 and inserted among the humans as protection?

And who is the 5th? Beats me. Rosyln seems too obvious to me, really. Would a Cylon die of cancer?