Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"May I add just a word about good, wholesome beer?"

Another post delayed by sick baby.

Budweiser may be swill, but I really enjoyed hearing this recording of August A. Busch Jr. welcoming the return of 3.2% pseudo-beer to distribution on April 7, 1933.

[Soapbox ON]
It's too bad that the fundamental mistake of prohibition -- a misguided belief that government action can force humanity closer to any one person's arbitrary "ideal" -- is probably MORE prevalent in the US today than it was then.
[Soapbox OFF]


Michelle D. said...

Swill? I wouldn't say that when visiting St. Louis. Or while in my house. Granted it's no micro brew. But it's a nice crisp, clean beer that's quite good when watching a ball game. Those dear sir are fighting words! Be thankful I'm too tired to come over there and stomp you. ;-)

JA3 said...

I couldn't restrain myself to just a comment, so I wrote a new post for you.

Anonymous said...

Swill? It's not like it's Coors or Natty Light!

Anonymous said...

yeah so in other words, swill. I rest my case! And it won't be case of this stuff either!!