Friday, December 7, 2007

No, no, I insist you endanger the rest of us

James REALLY hit a pet peeve of mine in his post today. Because the comments engine of his blog is for shit, I'm posting my response here. Read his post so maybe this will make a little bit of sense.

Giving up the right-of-way at stop signs through some misplaced sense of "courtesy" is a freakin' PLAGUE where I live. I can only assume it's the outrageous percentage of older drivers on the island, or maybe they do it out of habit, because it is very necessary in certain places around town where only one car can fit down the narrow colonial horse paths.

It's not just stop signs, either. My favorite inexplicable behavior is at a busy stoplight with turn lanes but no turn arrows, the person at the head of a lane of traffic will sometimes try to wave through the oncoming traffic turning left when the light turns green -- basically, inviting the car in the lead of oncoming traffic to make what I grew up calling a "California left."

I never take them up on the offer because invariably the car next to or behind the "courteous driver" doesn't know what's going on, so following the accepted rules of traffic flow in the 49 states not called Rhode Island they will dart out around and through the intersection. No joke, I've avoided having my car totaled in this way at least three times in the past two years.

My fear of that fender bender and disgust with that other driver has led me more than once to put the car in neutral and wave to the offending driver with both hands until they give up and take their turn. The way I see it, refusing to follow the rules of the road and take the right-of-way is actually the OPPOSITE of courtesy and might even get someone killed.

I'm still trying to decide if this is better or worse than the current situation in Chicago, where using the crosswalk at any stop sign in Lincoln Park now requires the faith of an apostle. Twice during Thanksgiving week, drivers looked us right in the eye before gunning it through the intersection to miss us by inches.

Of course, I should consider the driver's perspective. By any measure, five seconds of Mr. Mercedes SUV driver's time is worth more than the lives of a family of three, right?


Anonymous said...


(Been reading too much Fark...)

Anonymous said...

In San Francisco we call that quick left turn in front of the oncoming traffic executed the moment the light goes green an "LA left".

And now back to your blog...

Anonymous said...

When a Cali Left is committed in front of me, I will either honk the horn or at least flick on my high beams. Yes, it's a hollow gesture since that person is hellbent on turning left but at least they'll know that I am Not Happy about it. Grrrrr.